[Kstars-devel] Restructured code to load 100e8 stars

Jason Harris kstars at 30doradus.org
Sun Aug 24 16:21:26 CEST 2008

Hi Akarsh,

I can't test the patch, because namedstars.dat and unnamedstars.dat are missing.


On 8/24/08, Akarsh Simha <akarshsimha at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi
> I restructured the StarComponent and DeepStarComponent classes after
> taking into consideration James' suggestions and some changes that I
> had in mind.
> Now, named stars are handled by StarComponent and unnamed stars (both
> dynamically loaded and statically loaded) are taken care of by
> DeepStarComponents. As James' suggested, I found that letting
> StarComponent take care of DeepStarComponents made code much more
> neat.
> Here's the patch:
> http://members.bas.org.in/kstar/kstars-deep-star-catalog-support.patch
> With the patch, what StarComponent::draw() does is to first draw named
> stars and then call DeepStarComponent::draw() for each
> DeepStarComponent that is loaded.
> I think I have broken the feature of searching by HD Index
> temporarily. Also, the patch seems to be buggy to me, because I
> noticed some stars vanishing suddenly (which means that the LRU Cache
> isn't working properly). However, ISTM that most of the code is
> working fine. Let me know if I should go ahead and commit it.
> Regards
> Akarsh
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