[Kstars-devel] RFC: new popup "menu"?

Jason Harris jharris at 30doradus.org
Sun Mar 12 15:33:14 CET 2006


On Saturday 11 March 2006 20:34, simang wrote:
> Hello.  [Someone told users were welcome to participate in this list...]
Yes, you are welcome here...make yourself at home :)

> A note about the Details window: I was waiting the port was finished to
> suggest a new feature in bugs.kde.org: ability to drag-copy part/all of
> Details window data to the clipboard and optionally a CopyAll button. Not
> that I'm asking for it, just an additional element for you to consider -if
> it were useful- in the current design.
So you can already copy data from the Details to the clipboard by highlighting 
with the mouse.  We specifically use "KActiveLabel" for the data fields to 
make this possible.  I'm not sure how we would implement copying data from 
more than one field or "CopyAll"...what exactly would the copy buffer look 

> I agree, so I thought on a mix where the user could optionally choose
> if/which one of those submenus should be open by default. This way,
> after right clic (s)he would have available at first sight the preferred
> options: Actions (center, angular distance, details, label..) if desired;
> Images when doing visual tours; Links and bitacora for work, etc. This
> would reduce the amount of decisions to take, while the less used options
> would be at the same hover+clic or clic+clic distance. Compact mode would
> be available anytime. It would require also a "Configure menu" element
> somewhere.
Ah, so in this case, the Action/Images/WWW panels would be more persistent 
than menus (which disappear as soon as the mouse moves away.  According to 
this idea, the panel would remain until explicitly turned off by the user 
(maybe by pressing its button again).  I don't think the user would need to 
worry about the configuration of the default; the Details window would simply 
remember its previous state.

thanks for the ideas


Jason Harris
jharris at 30doradus.org

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