[Kstars-devel] Qt4 porting

Pablo de Vicente p.devicente at wanadoo.es
Sun Jun 5 16:18:52 CEST 2005

El Sábado, 4 de Junio de 2005 16:50, Jason Harris escribió:
> Hello,

Hi Jason

Sorry for my late answer. As usual I have problems with my email.

> Well, we already have an issue to deal with.  People outside our team are
> starting to port the kde4 branch already.  What should we do about it?
> 1) try to prevent it, as it obviously conflicts with my proposed plan, or
> 2) allow it to happen, and maybe most of the porting work will be done "for
> free"?
> My knee-jerk reaction was (1), but I asked about this on kde-edu, and the
> possibility of (2) was pointed out to me.  I don't think (2) is very
> likely, but the bottom line is, we are asking people not to help us with a
> huge, boring task.  That just seems wrong. :)

As Jasem says I prefer option #1, but I think we can't stop option 2. We will 
just be dragged by this porting flow. Personally it is a problem for me, 
since I am running Debian and there are no Qt4 packages yet, and I do not 
like installing a Qt4 copy from SVN.

> What do you think?  Just go ahead and let kde4 stuff happen, and we'll
> ignore it and finish our 3.5 stuff first?  Another possibility is to "go
> with the flow", and attempt a rapid conversion to qt4 *now*, so that we can
> continue features-development in kde4 without too much interruption.  The
> disadvantage here is that 3.5 would be a pretty minor release, but it was
> always going to be a stopgap anyway.
> IMO, the most realistic option is to continue developing in 3.5 for now,
> and let kde4 stuff happen.  Along the way, we can try to forward-port
> changes to kde4, unless it gets too painful.  However, it will be
> critically important to document everything in 3.5 that needs to be ported
> to kde4.

Yes, I agree with you. We should better concentrate developing for 3.5 and 
port later all the changes. In principle, although it is more work why 
porting these changes should be so hard?. 

I have some ideas for working in the future but since as always I have not 
time I will not mention them, just try to push them when I can. In the short 
term my intention is to "protect" the batch mode of the calculator modules to 
prevent bugs like #105995.

> I think our only alternative is to lobby to be removed from the kde4 branch
> until we are ready for it (I believe kdepim is doing this already).

I do not like this option.

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