About live streaming data plot

Barth Netterfield barth.netterfield at gmail.com
Mon Jul 16 14:06:53 BST 2018


This sounds like  Windows race condition.

Alas, I only use Linux, so have no idea how to fix this.  :-(  I do know 
that people have successfully used kst real time in windows though.

Does anyone else on the list have any suggestions?


On 2018-07-15 11:02 PM, JAMES WATT wrote:
> Hello Kst experts,
> Kst is a such a wonderful tool for plotting live streaming data.
> It just works.
> I can validate it by opening a .txt data file by Notepad and change it 
> on the fly and see the change is reflected within Kst.
> However, I have another application that generates to streaming data 
> and export it to a .txt file in real time.
> Once I open Kst and set this file as the data source, the application 
> prompts 'Could not write to file.(Cannot open file...The process 
> cannot access the file because it is being used by another process.)'
> My question is why is Kst compatible with the plain Notepade.exe but 
> not to the other application?
> If Kst only reads to a .txt file, can I set it to a more "recessive" 
> mode so that the other application won't deem it as a writing race 
> condition risk.
> Thank you for any comments.

C. Barth Netterfield

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