[Kst] Re: branches/work/kst/portto4/kst/src/libkstapp

Peter Kümmel syntheticpp at gmx.net
Thu Jan 20 16:43:33 CET 2011

On 20.01.2011 09:54, Brisset, Nicolas wrote:
>> I've removed the directory from the name and added it as value. Is
> this
>> OK?
> The idea is very good, however I think the implementation should be
> different. Here, that string is visible only in the view dialog. I think
> it should be created at kst level, so that one can e.g. use it in a text
> label.
> Now that I'm thinking of it, here is how I would do things:
> - each datasource should have a short name as identifier, which would be
> the filename + (S[nb of the datasource]), just like for other objects.
> Consistence is good! Maybe the store already provides that?

DS is already a NamedObject, in principle it could have a short name,
but it is not used. and changing

QString DataSource::fileName() const {
   // Look to see if it was a URL and save the URL instead
   const QMap<QString,QString> urlMap = DataSourcePluginManager::urlMap();
   for (QMap<QString,QString>::ConstIterator i = urlMap.begin(); i != urlMap.end(); ++i) {
     if (i.value() == _filename) {
       return i.key();
   return _filename;

breaks a code where the complete path is needed. So one has to go through the
code and must replace fileName() with something else.

> - each datasource should provide some string metadata which is not read
> from the file but added by the datasource class itself for all file
> types: File Name, Directory, Full Path, and possibly other file
> attributes.

Currently is the metacode ony in the concrete plugin code, so we
would have to change the API, or change all plugins.

> That way, we would have a short string to use in the tree view to
> reference the datasource and the Directory property would be a
> per-datasource string and appear naturally just where you have put it
> now. It would be the cleanest solution, I think.
>> Yes, the dialog is filled only when opened.
> But if it has an update() function, we could call it from the create
> scalar/string dialogs. And if it doesn't, we could create it :-)
> I think we have access to pointers to those dialogs when they exist...

Adding an updatebutton an replacing the model with a new one should do
the job. Will test it tomorrow.


> Nicolas
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