[Kst] Re: branches/work/kst/portto4/kst/src/libkstapp

Brisset, Nicolas Nicolas.Brisset at eurocopter.com
Fri Jan 21 08:30:31 CET 2011

Hi Peter,

there was a problem with the mail server here yesterday, so that I did
not receive this message until very late. I don't know exactly what you
have already done and what is still left, but here are some answers to
your points from yesterday.

> DS is already a NamedObject, in principle it could have a short name,
> but it is not used. and changing
> QString DataSource::fileName() const {
> [...]
> breaks a code where the complete path is needed. 
I'm not familiar with that part of the code and I don't have time to
look at it right now, but OK: changing that method sounds like a bad
idea. But there should be a short name like for vectors, i.e. here
"[filename without directory] (DS[i])". If it isn't there, can't we just
add it? I don't know what you mean by "it could have one but it is not
> Currently is the metacode ony in the concrete plugin code, so we
> would have to change the API, or change all plugins.
Hum, that is a good point. What do the golden rules of SW design say in
such a case: is it better to change the API or have some duplicated
code? I'll leave it up to you (or Barth) to decide. If we change all
plugins, it is not a very big change and we can add it to the datasource
template. I think we can also live with that.
> Adding an updatebutton an replacing the model with a new one should do
> the job. Will test it tomorrow.
A button could do the trick. But other dialogs (e.g. the data manager)
update automatically. If there is an update method, just make it public
and call it from the scalar/string creation dialogs. Or is there a major
reason against doing that?


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