[Kst] Some wiki pages

Barth Netterfield barth.netterfield at gmail.com
Thu Sep 9 19:11:17 CEST 2010


Thanks for doing this.  Its a great and very helpful list!  Is it
linked to from kst.kde.org?

A couple thoughts:

I do agree with Peter that we should think about the KDE port sooner
rather than later though.  For 'marketing' reasons, I want to get kst2
properly reviewed and into KDEextreagear asap.  Besides the KDE
integration, perhaps we should defer most of the feature enhancements
to 2.1, and have 2.0.* be mainly about fixing bugs (including UI bugs
of course, so it may be a little ambiguous if it is a bug fix or a new

in kst/devel_docs/Kst2Specs/Wishlist there are a bunch of musings that
I have jotted down.  Could you look them over, and inject them into
the plan where you think they make sense?

Thanks again for doing this!

On Tue, Sep 7, 2010 at 6:44 PM,  <nicolas.brisset at free.fr> wrote:
> Hi again,
> I've just initiated a couple of kst wiki pages on KDE's community wiki. As I understand it they're here to help coordinate the effort, hope I was right.
> Please have a look at http://community.kde.org/KDE_Science and especially http://community.kde.org/KDE_Science/Kst/roadmap, which I put quite some effort into. It surely is biased towards my own views (I shamelessly revived some old wishes of mine :-)) but feel free to change/improve it. That's typically the kind of document where I think a wiki makes sense.
> Nicolas
> P.S.: sorry for the chaos with sub-pages if you follow the links from the top - I am not familiar with mediawiki sub-pages and got confused. I hope we can clean it up later
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C. Barth Netterfield
University of Toronto

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