[Kst] Some wiki pages

Brisset, Nicolas Nicolas.Brisset at eurocopter.com
Wed Sep 8 16:35:29 CEST 2010

Hi Ben,


I've just had a quick look at the two tools you mentioned. I'm not very
impressed by dasylab (which is probably more interesting to acquire your
data from physical lines in the first place), but the other tool sounds
quite cool indeed. I don't know if it's easy to get a demo version,
maybe we should try it. 

The glyph drag & drop approach is quite nice indeed and reminds me a lot
of VTK Designer http://www.vcreatelogic.com/products/vtkd/
<http://www.vcreatelogic.com/products/vtkd/>  which is Qt-based and OSS,
so maybe we could even borrow from it? I also think it would be a nice
way to define objects, which we could still manipulate in the data


In any case, this is certainly not a small effort so you're right not to
expect it in the next future. Maybe it would be interesting for a GSoC
project? But I'm not an experienced coder, I can't really estimate how
much effort it would be. 2 months for that sounds a bit short...


I think we can add this idea to the roadmap, it's not like we're
committing to implement it. I'll do it if nobody else does.


Thanks for the pointers,





Von: Ben Lewis [mailto:asuomynona at gmail.com] 
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 8. September 2010 14:25
An: kst at kde.org
Betreff: Re: [Kst] Some wiki pages


I have a feature request for KST.  Please forgive me if this has been
discussed before, as I have only recently joined this mailing list.

It would be great to have a graphical data manager, similar to that used
in ncode GlyphWorks
ance/> and dasylab <http://www.dasylab.com/> .

A graphical data manager uses icons to represent processes to be
performed on data (e.g. import, filter, equation, shift, plot, export
etc).  The user configures each function by double clicking on the icon
to access the appropriate dialogue box.  The flow of data is represented
by lines (or pipes) connected between icons.  The connection points are
colour coded to represent compatible data types (e.g. time series data,
frequency data etc).  The arrangement of icons and connections can then
be saved for later use or batch processing.

If any one is interested, there is a good video here
ance/>  (see Interactive Demo on RHS) demonstrating these capabilities.

I realise that this is a really big ask and wont happen any time soon
but if other people like the idea it could be added to the long term
road map.

Cheers, Ben

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