[Kst] Easy bug with ASCII field names

Peter Kümmel syntheticpp at gmx.net
Mon Nov 16 20:09:04 CET 2009

Brisset, Nicolas wrote:
> Hi,
> I know it's unfair as there are people who are just waking up and others
> have already warmed up quite a bit, but let's see who can fix this bug
> the fastest J I think it would even be within my reach, but I really
> can't afford to spend time on it right now…
> So, the issue is with ASCII files and the construction of the field
> list. If you use a file that has comma-separated field names (for
> example, exported from Excel) or field names with a pre-defined length,
> the data wizard (i.e. the ASCII data source) does not get it right. It
> seems that although the code tries to use the right approach, something
> is misconfigured somewhere and field names are always separated with
> whitespace.
> Attached are two extremely simple files to test the problem. The first
> has comma-separated values and the other one has 14-character wide columns.

This is fixed.

> Then the next, maybe not so easy problem with the datawizard is that on
> the first page it restores the last filename in the lineedit (useful, we
> have to keep it), and instantiates the corresponding datasource
> immediately (painful, if you wanted to look at another file and that one
> happens to be big). But one thing at a time…

Could you test if attached patch works?

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