[Kst] Easy bug with ASCII field names

Brisset, Nicolas Nicolas.Brisset at eurocopter.com
Mon Nov 16 15:00:17 CET 2009



I know it's unfair as there are people who are just waking up and others have already warmed up quite a bit, but let's see who can fix this bug the fastest :-) I think it would even be within my reach, but I really can't afford to spend time on it right now...

So, the issue is with ASCII files and the construction of the field list. If you use a file that has comma-separated field names (for example, exported from Excel) or field names with a pre-defined length, the data wizard (i.e. the ASCII data source) does not get it right. It seems that although the code tries to use the right approach, something is misconfigured somewhere and field names are always separated with whitespace. 

Attached are two extremely simple files to test the problem. The first has comma-separated values and the other one has 14-character wide columns. 


Then the next, maybe not so easy problem with the datawizard is that on the first page it restores the last filename in the lineedit (useful, we have to keep it), and instantiates the corresponding datasource immediately (painful, if you wanted to look at another file and that one happens to be big). But one thing at a time...




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