[Kst] adjustSizeForText

Barth Netterfield netterfield at astro.utoronto.ca
Thu Nov 10 02:22:17 CET 2005

Did I do that?  

The problem is that we are radically changing our class structure for things 
that have bindings....

I will put in FIXMEs if I have to change the bindings any more.

Can you put adjustSizeForText back in?  


On November 8, 2005 08:18 pm, George Staikos wrote:
> I noticed adjustSizeForText() is commented out of the script bindings. 
> This causes a problem.  It's possible to create labels that don't fit in
> their bounding box.  Either we need this function as it was, or we need to
> enforce strict regulations in the view labels.  What should we do?
> Also when a change affects the script bindings, please consider either
> removing the function altogether or making sure it is still functional.  I
> hadn't noticed this change and it could have caused us legacy script issues
> starting with our first release.  Commenting out functions, in addition,
> will result in the documentation still being generated but the function
> causing an exception, so the documentation has to be blocked somehow.  I
> guess putting a space after each @ should work.

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