[Kroupware] some info about server and clients

Rene Ouderling m.n.e.ouderling at rent-it-professionals.nl
Wed Jun 25 11:27:42 CEST 2003

Hi all,

I am using RH9 with kernel 2.4.20-18.9 and KDE 3.1.2. After a few days
of reading I managed to get the server running. The only problem I
encountered was installation of apache but found a workaround on the
archives of the maillist. BTW is it possible to compile the latest
version of apache in Kolab anyone tried this ? My real problem start
with the clients. I compiled and installed the tarrballs, and when I
start Kmail a popup screen comes up to manage your choices .. so far so
good. After this, kmail opens but doesn't look like anything to the
screenshots. The toolbar consist only an icon for printng and redo, and
trying to manually add icons won't work. I can though send and receive
mail but I have to use the keystrokes. It is not just one client (I
tried it on three different clients with the same result).  Is this
maybe the result because I am using the latest KDE ??.
Thnx in advance for your assistance.   
Mvg/Kind regards

Rent IT-Professionals

Rene Ouderling

E-mail  :m.n.e.ouderlingr at rent-it-professionals.nl
WWW     :www.rent-it-professionals.nl
icq     :151446218

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