[Kroupware] Re: Re: OpenGroupware release is a success for the Kroupware Project

Robert Wittams robert at wittams.com
Tue Jul 22 23:06:52 CEST 2003

Martin Konold wrote:

> Am Samstag, 19. Juli 2003 14:30 schrieb Robert Wittams:
> Hi Robert,
>> There is just no way that distributions will accept installing a funny
>> extra packaging system on top of their own one.
> It is not expected that distributions will adopt the openpkg packaging.
> Basically openpkg is our offer to those who want to install kolab as
> painlessly as possible now.
> We will definetly not go for the hassle to create server packages for all
> linux/unix operating systems available.

In no way do I suggest that you do this. 

>> The current system is a massive hassle and completely nonstandard... The
>> primary supported method should be a set of patches to the upstream
>> packages, and the coordinator. Eventually, the patches should dwindle to
>> zero.
> Good that you tell us how to feed patches upstream! We would not have
> known otherwise.

I know that you want to get this all integrated upstream, and are trying
very hard to do so. 

Sorry, my previous mail was misworded. I meant to say: your primary
distribution method should be a pointer to the appropriate upstream release
of each component (and probably a copy of it too), and a patch. 

This should be the *primary* method because it is *standard*. There is no
packager around who would not know how to make a package of this. 

I don't see any problem with providing the OpenPKG distribution, but it is
unnecessarily limiting your audience to trumpet a new package format. It
really doesn't matter if it is technically perfect, its non standard. This
just puts people ( including packagers) off.

Is there a document around anywhere which says how to build and install the
system without OpenPKG? I couldn't find one. 

I'd love to be able to help out, and I know this is a frustrating and
annoying answer, but I honestly do not have enough time right now. I will
attempt to create ebuilds for it, when I do get some time and can find out
how to build it without openPKG. 


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