[Kroupware] Re: OpenGroupware release is a success for the Kroupware Project

Andrew Kohlsmith akohlsmith-kolab at benshaw.com
Mon Jul 21 09:46:05 CEST 2003

> All of them don't manipulate your httpd.conf, main.cf, slapd.conf etc.
> etc. The packages you mention are packages on their own. They may depend
> on other packages, but they don't need to manipulate their configuration.

I was under the impression that some of Kolab's servers were patched from 
the standard packages?  I was also under the impression that Kolab was 
intended to run on its own system (i.e. not try to integrate with existing 
services).  It appears I'm wrong on both counts.  :-)

> Kolab builds on top of server packages. The main content of Kolab are
> special configuration entries and service files. That's why it is so
> difficult to arrange it with the many available distributions.

What would humbly suggest is something along the way of FreeS/WAN's method 
-- a magic patch file that attempts to get what it needs into the relevant 
configuration files.  Also, if *all* that is needed is updated 
configuration and service files, provide a number of textfiles with what is 
needed and a README for those of us who would like to integrate it 

> If you think it's that easy, why don't you join the developmet team and
> provide top-stable maintenance scripts which do merge the Kolab
> configuration into your favorite distribution's administration system?

I never stated it was easy!  What I am saying is that I would have said 
"Here is a tarball of a chroot()ed environment for those who want to test 
it out with minimal hassle.  Here's an ISO of Debian/RedHat/SuSE/whatever 
with it all set up for $x.  And here is a list of the minimum configuration 
files required to get this running manually."  By doing this you end up 
with a revenue stream (selling, supporting and maintaining the ISO 
version), a quick and easy test environment for people to "kick the 
wheels", and a way to get those who want to tinker with it to be able to 

All of that without the necessity of trying to get _another_ packaging 
system wedged into our favourite distributions.

> IMO the distributors will take this job as soon as Kolab is stable. Why
> should the developers burden with that now when a lot of more important
> work needs to be done?

I agree.  I am trying to understand what the advantage of providing OpenPkg 
packages is though.  I did not in any way intend on slamming the 


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