[Kroupware] Re: OpenGroupware release is a success for the Kroupware Project

Andreas Gungl Andreas.Gungl at osp-dd.de
Mon Jul 21 15:13:54 CEST 2003

Am Montag, 21. Juli 2003 14:03 schrieb Andrew Kohlsmith:
> > It leads to a higher security and maintainability of current Kolab
> > Server installations at in an average. Bein disconnected from the
> > distributions has advantages and disadvantages as many people cite.
> I'm sorry, but when is something nonstandard better security??  I can see
> the advantages of being disconnected from any particular distribution but
> why not stick with how OpenOffice, StarOffice, Java, Crossover Office and
> Plugin and many other software suits work and use a regular .tgz or
> executable script to install?

All of them don't manipulate your httpd.conf, main.cf, slapd.conf etc. etc.
The packages you mention are packages on their own. They may depend on other 
packages, but they don't need to manipulate their configuration.

Kolab builds on top of server packages. The main content of Kolab are 
special configuration entries and service files. That's why it is so 
difficult to arrange it with the many available distributions.

If you think it's that easy, why don't you join the developmet team and 
provide top-stable maintenance scripts which do merge the Kolab 
configuration into your favorite distribution's administration system?

IMO the distributors will take this job as soon as Kolab is stable. Why 
should the developers burden with that now when a lot of more important 
work needs to be done?


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