[Kroupware] outlookexpress_xp

Bernhard Reiter kroupware@mail.kde.org
Tue, 21 Jan 2003 19:57:10 +0100

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On Tuesday 21 January 2003 17:24, Malte Fahlberg wrote:
> Now I have found the kroupware-projekt. We intend to move to linux,
> use kolab/Kmail in our company for at about 20 clients. One of them refuses
> to leave WinXP. :-((
> My question is: is it possible to use OutlookExpress on WinXP (notebook)als
> client going through low bandwith modemline from outside?

AFAIK OutlookExpress is missing the groupware functionality of Outlook,
thus is just a regular email client for this question.

I guess that the Insight Connector will not work for Outlook Express for this reason
so you cann't use the disconnected IMAP it provides.

Depending on how you configure Kolab you could utilsse IMAP or POP3
to fetch mail. So it depends on how big the emails are your want to move
over your modem.

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