[Kroupware] Re: kroupware_branch: kdepim/korganizer

Cornelius Schumacher kroupware@mail.kde.org
Sat, 12 Oct 2002 19:36:17 +0200

On Saturday 12 October 2002 16:11, Bernhard Reiter wrote:
> I thing that we should keep thing separated and orthogonal as much
> as we can, so I propose
> 	- notes without alarms

Notes with alarms are todos.

> 	- tasks without attendees (and fixed time periods)

Tasks with attendees make perfect sense, especially with the 
group-scheduling features. If you need something done by somebody else 
create a todo add the other person as attendee and send him the todo. 
If the todo is updated by the other person you will even get back the 
information about progress.

> If you need to bring people together at certain times
> or be remined of something, it certainly is an appointment
> or entry in your calender.

I don't think we should make up our own definitions of scheduling 
objects. iCalendar is a very good base for this kind of information. It 
contains a lot of thought and reflects how most other applications 
handle this kind of information.

Cornelius Schumacher <schumacher@kde.org>