kpovmodeler - Fedora Core 2

Andre Grove andreg at
Tue Jul 27 14:16:46 CEST 2004

hello there

sorry to bother you developers, but i have a question and don't know who 
else to ask.

i am running kpovmodeler 1.1.1 with KDE 3.2.2-6 on Fedora Core 2.
i have installed povray 3.5.
the povray options in kpovmodeler have been set, and i set the the 
following library directories:


my problem is that i cannot select a pigment or texture when clicking on 
slect, because the list that pops up is empty.

am i incorrect in assuming that a list of textures, pigments etc should 

fell free to call me an idiot at any stage if i have done something 
stupid! ;P



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