kpovmodeler - Fedora Core 2

Leon Pennington leon at
Tue Jul 27 16:08:20 CEST 2004

On Tuesday 27 July 2004 13:16, Andre Grove wrote:
> my problem is that i cannot select a pigment or texture when clicking on
> slect, because the list that pops up is empty.
> am i incorrect in assuming that a list of textures, pigments etc should
> appear?

They'll not appear until you've already defined them in the scene, using the 
declaration option. For some previously decalred Items see 

delpending on where Fedora puts KDE.

Leon Pennington

"If you give someone a program, you will frustrate them for a day; if you 
teach them how to program, you will frustrate them for a lifetime." 

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