Photons and Re: Libraries

Leon Pennington leon at
Thu Jul 15 14:45:10 CEST 2004

On Thursday 15 July 2004 07:35, olivier.saraja at wrote:
> About Photons:
> ==============
> It seems impossible to give a Photon block to a CSG product (Union,
> Intersect...). I know that the Photon block is objects description blocks,
> but if I have 35 objects melded into one object using CSG, I'm not sure
> I'd like to set a Photon block for each of these, unless I'd like to have
> a different behavior for each of these according to photon maps. What I'd
> like to see is a Photon block for the CSG object, with the Photon blocks
> at the objects level superceeding the one of the CSG level, if needed. I
> feel that the workflow is more natural and quick this way.
> What do you think? Is it possible to code like this without breaking
> anything in POV-ray code?

What your decribing should be the way it works already.

I think whats happened here is the exception of CSG from some graphical object 
insert rules mean its now missing the Photon rule. Try the attached 

Should be put in share/apps/kpovmodeler ( which us usually found in /usr 
or /opt/kde )

I'll commit it as soon as the immediate freeze is off on the 18th.

Leon Pennington

"If you give someone a program, you will frustrate them for a day; if you 
teach them how to program, you will frustrate them for a lifetime." 
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