Using PovRay includes

Andreas Zehender zehender at
Thu Jul 8 20:38:02 CEST 2004

On Thursday, 08. July 2004 18:32, Jeroen Wijnhout wrote:
> Yes, but the nice thing about KPovModeler is that you do not need to deal
> with the .pov format directly. At first I was surprised that when I clicked
> on "Select" in the Texture property sheet, I got an empty list. Only after
> I manually created a texture the list showed something to choose from. I
> expected that all the standard available textures are immediately available
> to choose from.
> Would it be too difficult to implement the following:
> Add a "import textures/materials/colors" feature. The user selects an inc
> file and tells KPovModeler if it is a texture/material or color file.
> KPovModeler then scans the file for #declare statements and picks the,
> let's say, texture identifying names. All the texture names (not the .pov
> code) are then added to the list of available textures and the .inc file is
> included in the generated .pov file.

That's what object and texture libraries are meant for ;-)

 Andreas Zehender
 Master of Computer Science, Dipl. Ing. (BA)
 az at | zehender at      

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