Using PovRay includes

CARVALHO Luis Passos luis.passos at
Thu Jul 8 18:34:28 CEST 2004

Hmmm. In the beta version they probably are.
Thanks to Leon, a great deal more stability was added to the code. Not sure if it made it into the Beta. However, there is no documentation at the moment.
I'll try to write something till the end of the week. I won't be able to produce the snapshots though, because I don't have access to a linux this week.


De: Andreas Zehender [mailto:az at]
Enviada: qui 08-07-2004 17:18
Para: For developers of KPovModeler
Assunto: Re: Using PovRay includes


There are already a number of includes available in

In general you can import most includes with some little modifications. Just
try to copy/paste povray code into a scene.

Hmm, the library settings are visible? Luis, are object libraries ready for
public use? If not we should deactivate this settings module before KDE 3.3.

On Thursday, 08. July 2004 18:04, Jeroen Wijnhout wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm enjoying playing around with KPovModeler CVS HEAD. Great stuff. I was
> wondering how I can use all the textures and materials that come with
> PovRay (i.e. the,, etc.).
> Also, I couldn't find any documentation on the libraries you can create in
> the Settings dialog. What are they good for, and how do I use them?
> best,
> Jeroen

 Andreas Zehender
 Master of Computer Science, Dipl. Ing. (BA)
 az at | zehender at     

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