olivier at linuxgraphic.org olivier at linuxgraphic.org
Mon Jan 5 13:33:02 CET 2004

Hi Andread,

> Great news!


>I am almost finished with the new homepage design, at least I finished the php 
>content management system and set up the articles, so the design can easily 
>be changed.

Seems to be good news, too :)

>May I copy your KPovModeler description page to my page? It's a great and 
>complete description.

Sure! It somehow is part of community, now. Feel free to duplicate these 
information if you feel you need to.

BTW, the credits for the povray section (design and text) go to Olivier Boyaval 
(olivierb at linuxgraphic.org) because he is the founder of this section. I just 
added some information here and there, and of course my tutorials.

>Have you send me the access information yet for that webspace you registered? 
>I will upload a preview there then.

I send you the information by private mail, but you should already have.

>One comment to the KPovModeler description: The current CVS version does not 
>contain the distributed rendering support with netsolve, it was not stable 
>enough to be included one week before the feature freeze.

Ouch... A misinterpretation from me, then. This will be corrected soon. What a 
pity I can't compile from CVS... BTW, when will he have tarballs for the latest 
versions without having to wait for KDE 3.2 ;o)


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