New Patterns

olivier at olivier at
Tue Apr 13 09:34:21 CEST 2004

Hi all,
back from holidays in Spain, sorry for my long silence.

>I've added the patterns Cells, Julia and Slope . I've also updated Crackle and 
>Mandel with their complete 3.5 options. All the changes are completely 
>backward compatible with the old patterns.

The Slope pattern is especially a good news, as it is very interesting for 
landscapes. I suppose you implemented it because you had a need for it for your 
own landscape plugin, Leon, no? ;o) BTW, I'm willing to beta-test your 
landscape plugin, whatever its current status, because landscapes are one of my 
main focus with 3D apps... I have many ideas about what should be included in a 
good landscape plugin, so feel free to continue this discussion on PM if you 
like: olivier at

>Theres actually less todo than I first though, so I now working no_image, 
>no_reflection, followed by uv mapping.

I think great work has been done with integration of POV-Ray 3.5 features in 
the latest KPM release. All the main features I'm interested in are already 
supported, which sounds like good news to me ;o)

For the other news, the fifth tutorial for KPM has been placed on This one deals with... creation of landscapes with KPM! ;o))) 
Unfortunately, it is only in french, as I have absolutely no free time to 
translate my tutorials in english for now. Much turmoils in my life, almost 
only positive things, fortunately.


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