Sphere sweep

Andreas Zehender zehender at kde.org
Mon Sep 15 09:07:50 CEST 2003


On Monday, 15. September 2003 04:53, Leon Pennington wrote:
> Well the view structure is added. I've put in spheres to the control
> points, but they could easily be removed as they could confuse some people
> to the shape of the true object. I put them there as I didn't like the
> disembodied control points. ( maybe just lines? ) what do people think?

Yes, I think they should be reduced to only lines and only when the object is 
PMDistanceControlPoint (the class used for the radii control point) has a flag 
"extraLine" in the constructor. If you set it to true, a line will be 
displayed from the sphere center to the control point, but only when the 
object is selected.

Attached is a screenshot of a sphere sweep with a problem in the view 

> Also the split and join context menu, I was slightly confused as to what I
> do with this, so I didn't touch it.

Ok, I will add it.
Hmm, maybe I should name them "Add point" and "Remove point", that's what they 
do. Is "split segment" and "join segments" irritating? Comments?

> The number or s_sSteps could probably do with increasing as well, as I
> don't think theirs enough for the longer and tighter curves.

I will add the parameters to the configuration dialog if you didn't yet.

Btw: You should look at the KDE style guide. Your labels didn't use the right 

 Andreas Zehender
 Master of Computer Science, Dipl. Ing. (BA)
 az at azweb.de | zehender at kde.org      
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