Sphere sweep

Leon Pennington leon at leonscape.co.uk
Mon Sep 15 04:53:47 CEST 2003

On Friday 12 September 2003 9:20 pm, you wrote:
> Hi Leon!
> I just commited the first version of the sphere sweep object. It is
> complete enough for you to add the view structure.
> What is missing:
> - the view structure of course
> - the split and join segment methods (context menu in the wireframe views)
> - povray io (serialization and parsing)
> I will be away at the weekend, so feel free to add all missing parts ;-)
> Greetings, Andreas

Well the view structure is added. I've put in spheres to the control points, 
but they could easily be removed as they could confuse some people to the 
shape of the true object. I put them there as I didn't like the disembodied 
control points. ( maybe just lines? ) what do people think?

Also the split and join context menu, I was slightly confused as to what I do 
with this, so I didn't touch it.

The number or s_sSteps could probably do with increasing as well, as I don't 
think theirs enough for the longer and tighter curves.

Leon Pennington

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