Sphere sweep

Leon Pennington leon at leonscape.co.uk
Mon Sep 15 22:36:20 CEST 2003

On Monday 15 September 2003 7:07 am, you wrote:
> Yes, I think they should be reduced to only lines and only when the object
> is selected.
> PMDistanceControlPoint (the class used for the radii control point) has a
> flag "extraLine" in the constructor. If you set it to true, a line will be
> displayed from the sphere center to the control point, but only when the
> object is selected.

I'll do that. 

> Attached is a screenshot of a sphere sweep with a problem in the view
> structure.

Hmmm, I think its to do with the orthogonal vector pointing the wrong way, the 
curve down then up is making a shift in the vector from negative to positive, 
I'll have to put a check in for it and rotate the axis.

> Ok, I will add it.
> Hmm, maybe I should name them "Add point" and "Remove point", that's what
> they do. Is "split segment" and "join segments" irritating? Comments?

I think that makes sense, as you can't actually split the segments (It would 
alter all the segemnts around as well ).

> I will add the parameters to the configuration dialog if you didn't yet.

I've done that, marked it as a display feature ( don't want people thinking it 
will affect the actually render. I've also altered the spheres to be more 
detailed ( similar to the sphere object ) as it looks better in the camera 

> Btw: You should look at the KDE style guide. Your labels didn't use the
> right capitalization.
> http://developer.kde.org/documentation/standards/kde/style/basics/index.htm
> Andreas

I noticed someone had commited changes for this, I'll keep an eye on it in 

Leon Pennington

"The most likely way for the world to be destroyed, most experts agree, is by 
accident. That's where we come in; we're computer professionals. We cause 
 Nathaniel Borenstein. 

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