KDE Headers Error

John Barrier John_Barrier at deepsea.com
Tue Jun 10 15:25:36 CEST 2003

I finally got kpovmodeler-1.0 to compile and install on RedHat 7.3.  I resolved all my dependencies by installing all the kdelibs*.rpm and qt3*.rpm. I had to use 3.0.0-10 to get everything to work out.  Then I had to install the libvga.s0.1 package, libglide.so.2 and finally the GLUT packages which I got from the GlideV3 rpms.

When all was said and done, the package compiled and installed.  I even modified my path to include /usr/include/kde/bin as the directions stated.

HOWEVER, the kpovmodeler program that launches is less than useful because it doesn't have a single toolbar.  I can open files that aren't there, save the default empty box and that's it.  When I try to configure toolbars I get a dialog with all the selections empty and the buttons disabled.

Now that the product is on my computer and I've posted what it takes to get version 1.0 working under RedHat 7.3, any suggestions on how I can activate those necessary toolbars to actually use this thing?  The tutorial listed at www.linuxgraphic.org/section3d/kpovmodler/turorial1 looks intesting and I'm anxious to try it out.

-----Original Message-----
From: Miguel A. Mota Jr. [mailto:Chaos325 at Hotmail.com]
Sent: Thursday, June 05, 2003 2:25 PM
To: kpovmodeler-devel at mail.kde.org
Subject: RE: KDE Headers Error

Dear John Barrier,

>Thanks.  Installing the kdelibs-*.rpm from the Redhat 7.3 distribution
disks got me past the error mentioned in my >post.  I still have to locate
an mcopidl file from the kde-sound library, but I think I'm well on my way
and feel a little >more confident about tracking down dependancies and
loading them.  Reading through the config.log file was a >good suggestion
also.  It documented everything that was going on and now I can track my
progress through >removing the problems.

    I ran into the same problem when attempting to install KPovModeler way
earlier in the year.  Too bad I was a Linux then and still am now!  When
your done getting it to work, are you going to post any documentation
somewhere online?  If not, could you tell me what you did exactly?  Thanks.

Miguel A. Mota Jr.
Chaos325 at Netzero.net
Juggernaut Cluster Team Leader
wwhsstc at seul.org

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