
Christoph Fabianek fabianek at cs.utk.edu
Mon Jul 28 10:00:36 CEST 2003

On Monday 28 July 2003 02:24, Andreas Zehender wrote:
> To be honest the renderer-plugin is not on top of my TODO list but should
> be quite easy to implement.
> But after a quick look it seems that your tool can be used even without
> modifying KPovModeler by specifying your tool in the settings (POV-Ray
> command) with the needed command line parameters.

Yes, of course would this be possible but a nice interface where to specify 
options like the NetSolve Agent to use and how many servers, the tile-size 
etc would be a good thing for users. 

> I will be on hollidays until Aug 23nd and therefore not in Hove Hrady. If
> you are interested in joining the project, I could point you to the core
> classes you need for render-plugins after my holliday. I don't have enough
> spare time at the moment. We lack the time to do quite active development
> so any new team member who is really interested in this project is welcome.

This is also the last week for me before holidays and I will start with this 
in September. Since I don't have computer / internet access during the first 
weeks in August (i.e,, before Nove Hrady) I wrote that early.

> What's your experience with programming, especially with object oriented
> programming?

Bad :-) One year ago I didn't even know how to write programms in C but got 
some experience during my work on the university and especially when joining 
the NetSolve team for 5 months at the begin of this year. So I will start 
almost from zero and if you have some hints from where to start it would be 
great! (Most programming I have done in the Windows world with MS Access.)


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