
Andreas Zehender zehender at kde.org
Mon Jul 28 09:24:41 CEST 2003

On Monday, 28. July 2003 06:04, Christoph Fabianek wrote:
> Hi,
> I wrote a tool for distributed rendering
> http://fsmat.at/~cfabiane/nspovray.html
> and are now planning to make a graphical frontend. Unfortunately I have
> never done any C++ programming although I would be interested to learn it.
> When I saw KPovModeler I thought it would be a good starting project to get
> into C++ and KDE.

Ah, that seems interesting.
Several users asked me already if POV-Ray supports distributed rendering.

> On the KPovModeler webpage I read that there are plans for a render-plugin.
> Should I wait for this to be finished? On the other hand I think it is just
> an additional tab in the "Render Modes" dialog...

To be honest the renderer-plugin is not on top of my TODO list but should be 
quite easy to implement.
But after a quick look it seems that your tool can be used even without 
modifying KPovModeler by specifying your tool in the settings (POV-Ray 
command) with the needed command line parameters.

> So, I just wanted to let you know that I'm planning to work on this and I'm
> interested in any comments. I will be at Nove Hrady from Aug 22nd to 24th
> since I live in Vienna and it would be a nice tour with my bike - if
> someone of you is also there let's talk in person.

I will be on hollidays until Aug 23nd and therefore not in Hove Hrady. If you 
are interested in joining the project, I could point you to the core classes 
you need for render-plugins after my holliday. I don't have enough spare time 
at the moment. We lack the time to do quite active development so any new 
team member who is really interested in this project is welcome.

What's your experience with programming, especially with object oriented 

 Andreas Zehender
 Master of Computer Science, Dipl. Ing. (BA)
 az at azweb.de | zehender at kde.org      

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