AW: Installation problem kpovmodeler 1.0

André Nicolaj Zahn
Mon, 10 Feb 2003 20:14:25 +0100 wrote

>I think mesa-devel contains this file. You could try to remove
>xf86_glx-devel, install mesa-devel, make a backup of (a kind of
>description for the library) and backward and restore your backuped

Thanks, that worked!

Now I could install KPovModeler 1.0 and I can run it. Cool, but there's 
another problem. In my toolbar only 4 buttons appear (new, open, save, 
print) and in Settings > Configure Toolbar everything is empty (only 
"OK" and "Cancel" are clickable). And in my "scene tree" (I don't know 
what it is called) all objects (box, light, camera, pigment, scale...) 
have the same icon - a white sheet of paper. Hm. It's possible that this 
has to do with my KDE 3.1.0 installation/update, because I'm missing 
some more icons on my system (whereas I miss icons only on my desktop, 
not in other KDE programs). :-/

>>Would be great if someone could help me! :-)
>The easiest way would be to go to, search for kpovmodeler and
>download the SuSE rpms. I will add a link to this page from the download
>page. There are quite a number of rpms yet.

Yes, i do prefer installing RPMs, because the chance that my 
installation is successful is much better!! ;)) But I couln't find a 
download link although I have regeistered at That's why I tried 
to compile it on my own. Maybe I'll try it again...

Thank you very much for your support!
