AW: Installation problem kpovmodeler 1.0

André Nicolaj Zahn
Mon, 10 Feb 2003 21:15:23 +0100

I wrote:

> Now I could install KPovModeler 1.0 and I can run it. Cool, but 
> there's another problem. In my toolbar only 4 buttons appear (new, 
> open, save, print) and in Settings > Configure Toolbar everything is 
> empty (only "OK" and "Cancel" are clickable). And in my "scene tree" 
> (I don't know what it is called) all objects (box, light, camera, 
> pigment, scale...) have the same icon - a white sheet of paper. Hm. 
> It's possible that this has to do with my KDE 3.1.0 
> installation/update, because I'm missing some more icons on my system 
> (whereas I miss icons only on my desktop, not in other KDE programs). :-/ 

I've got to reply my own message. I should RTFM!!!! :-)
I have do install into another directory as described on the homepage, 
in my case: ./configure --prefix=/opt/kde3

Thanks again, it seems to work now! ;-)