AW: Installation problem kpovmodeler 1.0
Mon, 10 Feb 2003 17:43:52 +0100 (CET)

> "configure" and "make" are OK, but "make install" outputs:
> [...]
> libtool: link: cannot find the library `/usr/lib/'

That's strange during "make install"

> What do I have to install to get a ""? Compared to the 
> REQUIREMENTS file I have installed the following packages:
> mesa-devel is NOT installed. Do I need it? The SuSE package manager 
> (Yast2) says that installing the mesa-devel package is not possible 
> (confilict with xf86_glx-devel).

I think mesa-devel contains this file. You could try to remove
xf86_glx-devel, install mesa-devel, make a backup of (a kind of
description for the library) and backward and restore your backuped

> Would be great if someone could help me! :-)

The easiest way would be to go to, search for kpovmodeler and
download the SuSE rpms. I will add a link to this page from the download
page. There are quite a number of rpms yet.
