Want to contribute

CARVALHO Luis Passos kpovmodeler-devel@mail.kde.org
Tue, 4 Feb 2003 10:18:21 -0000


> On Monday 03 February 2003 22:47, Luis Carvalho wrote:
> > How hard would it be to make a plugin be able to add a collection of
> > objects?
> Well that's easy. The plugin only has to add prototypes to the 
> PMPrototypeManager and register the xml file with the 
> insertion rules. That's 
> all.

Then that solves the problem of having too many plugins.
Just group the objects in these plugins (my suggestion)
	- framework (scene, transformations, csgs) - These objects should be
reusable in every decent modeler.
	- basic objects (box, cylinder, sphere) - These too.
	- complex povray objects (blob, heightfield, ...)
	- 2d objects (triangle, plane, ...)
	- Lights
	- Cameras
	- Povray Textures (everything in textures)

> No, this is not too complex, I think we need this kind of 
> export framework. 
> The biggest problem with export formats is that new objects 
> inside a plugin 
> and export plugins don't know each other. I have to solve 
> that somehow...

PMPrototypeManager could keep that info. The IO plugins register that they
provide IO for format x for objects a, b, c and d.

The "exporter" would then, for each object it encounters in the tree check
with PMPrototypeManager who handles it's serialization in the selected

> It would be great if someone could take over some parts of 
> the project, 
> especially the web design. Jeremie?

By the way, it's not really related but an announcement on the page would be
We didn't get any publicity when kde was launched, but at least we could
tell people that kde 3.1 is out and that it includes kpovmodeler 1.0.

> At the moment I am making a source package for KDE 3.x. I 
> hope not everybody 
> has already upgraded KDE to version 3.1 to test the package.

Well I'm already in 3.1, so I can't help you there. :(

> > PPS: Drag'n'drop in the treeviews is a pain... *sigh*
> Is it? What exactly?

I'll get back to you on that. It's just that I'm used to understanding most
of your code after just a few minutes. What can I say... You spoiled me. :)
