Busy but happy

Andreas Zehender kpovmodeler-devel@mail.kde.org
Wed, 25 Sep 2002 14:44:56 +0200


On Wednesday 25 September 2002 13:56, olivier@linuxgraphic.org wrote:
> Hi all,
> no news from me from a while, but I'm still active... ;o)
> Latest news: I wrote a new tutorial about modeling a screwdriver using CSG.
> It will be available very soon for reading and comment.
> Wishe: could the URLs for my latest tutos be removed from the kpm actual
> website? These versions weren't intended for public display: I'm about to
> remaster their layout and place them on linuxgraphic.org, and tuto#2 about
> lighting is not totally complete (I still must write about medias and write
> a short radiosity tuto). Once done, these URL at Linuxgraphic will be my
> personal official ones... Until the migration is done, you can let the URL
> like this, it doesn't really matter, it's just that these links features on
> my private home page on role playing games and that I lack space. I'll give
> you shortly the new URL, and then the old ones should be changed on the kpm
> homepage.


> And now, some feature requests and miscellaneous questions:
> Question 1:
I'm not a texture expert. Luis?

> Question 2: to the development team. When will we have Gouraud (or other
> type!) shading in the 3D views, it would be so neat! With the same idea in
> mind, will the result of CSG ever be displayed in the 3d views (edges only
> or surface shading) for better visualization (I mean result of the CSG and
> not all the primitives involved in the CSG, without having to play with
> cumbersome visibility levels: just the very result of all the Boolean
> operations). We could have a check box in the
> Union/Merge/Difference/Intersection properties view to specify either this
> operation should be displayed with all the primitives or only the result of
> the operation...

On my wishlist, too :-)

I think I stumbled over a library that can calculate csg results (don't have 
an url at hand). As long as csg results can't be calculated the shading 
preview will be useless. And don't expect this feature today and tomorrow 
morning. That's in the "long term" wishlist section (together with animations)

> Question 3: when will nurbs and meshes be supported in kpm? Is it planned
> in a near or far future? I know it's very important to have kpm as stable
> as rock, but I wait for these features with great anticipation... ;o)

Are there nurbs objects in povray? At least not in the 3.1 version.
Well, in theory you can insert any number of smooth triangles into a csg 
union to create a mesh object :-)
It's planned in the near future!

> Question 4: will we ever have a fillet, chamfer, rounding, corner set of
> tools to work the intersection of objects involved in CSG? It would be
> soooo cool!

The problem with all your csg ideas is that they would be only implementable 
for very simple objects. Imagine you want to round a truetype text object. 
No, I don't think this will ever be implemented.

I don't have a concrete time table for my further development. At the moment 
I am busy with the framework improvements. No idea what will be next.


 Andreas Zehender, Dipl. Ing. (BA)
 Student, 10th semester computer science
 az@azweb.de | zehender@kde.org      