kpovmodeler-devel digest, Vol 1 #212 - 4 msgs

Olivier Saraja
Thu, 7 Nov 2002 23:47:20 +0100


> Nice work once again !

thanks :o)

> Donc si tu veux, je me ferrai un plaisir de voir ce qu'on p faire pr ton =
> pb de=20
> compil avec les gars de #mandrakefr et #plf ( si tu =
> veux=20
> bien me fournir ton rapport d'erreur. La mandrake se doit d'avoir son=20
> Terraform en rpm ;-) au moins pr la 9.1 !

I'll give the compilation another try this week-end, and forward you the log 
message... It'd be very kind to help this soft being included in the next 
mandrake release.

> Quels sont vos projets au sujet de kpovmodeler et de moonlight sur=20
> linuxgraphic ? pr=E9voyez vous des sections sp=E9ciales leurs =E9tat cons=
> acr=E9es ?

There's already a big full section about moonlight within linuxgraphic. 
There's a section dedicated to pov already, but I wait for the publication of 
three tutorials of mine in Linux Magazine before putting them online; With 
these three tutorials, there'll be a good base for a whole section that will 
be regularly expanded, once with a brand new tutorial only for the web, and 
once with a tutorial written for the magazine and then published on the net 
once published on paper...

Olivier Saraja