Stuck with install...

Collin Day
Sat, 09 Nov 2002 00:05:53 -0500

Hi -

I was wondering if anyone could help me.  I am stuck.  I have RedHat 
8.0, so I have all the qt libraries compiled and I am using version 
3.0.5.  The configure script cant find my libraries no matter what I 
try.  I have tried the --with-qt-dir= option, the --prefix= option, and 
anything else I could think of.  I have tried looking at the log file, 
but it does not make much sense to me, as I don't know much about how 
configure scripts are programmed.  Could someone give me an idea?  I am 
not on the mailing list, but you can respond to me at  Any help would be greatly appriciated.
