Some ideas for KPM

Andreas Zehender
Tue, 31 Dec 2002 08:58:15 +0100


On Tuesday 31 December 2002 06:18, Daniel Matthews wrote:
> 1. Variables, Def. and use in any box that takes a numerical value, plus
> math. e.g. 10.5 + myWidth / 3

I thought about that, too. But imagine the memory overhead if a calculation 
can be used for _every_ object attribute.
Not in near and far future, maybe together with scripting and animations.

> 2. Deactivated objects and activation sets - so let you render part of a
> scene

If you use the CVS version, please update from CVS (HEAD branch)
Objects and the camera have now an "Export" flag. You can already exclude 
objects from rendering (since yesterday, man are we fast in implementing user 
wishes, aren't we :-)

> 3. Object arrays - 3d, both rectangular and polar
> 4. Integration of fundamental macros like the lighting and sunlight pos.
> etc.
Scripting and animation. Far far future.

> 5. Instant World Tool, ground plane - sky - sun - clouds - sea/water etc.
> 	actually a set of these including a Photo Studio setup would be a handy
> menu.
I would say this fits into the idea of the object library. We could create a 
library with basic scene elements.

Greetings, Andreas
 Andreas Zehender, Dipl. Ing. (BA)
 Student, 10th semester computer science |      