[kplato] Charts

Cyrille Berger cberger at cberger.net
Mon Apr 28 10:26:07 CEST 2008


On Monday 28 April 2008, Dag Andersen wrote:
> > I've been told by Cyrille from KOffice to implement KoShape from Flake
> > instead of the current charts view, is it the right way to do it ?
> I haven't used flake at all in kplato (yet) hence my knowledge is limited
> so take my opinions with a a grain (or two) of salt. Also, because of this
> there is *no* infrastructure in kplato to handle shapes. I don't know what
> is needed, though, so maybe that is not a big issue.
> AFAIK KoShape can be used as a wrapper around a widget. (Which could be a
> chart.) AFAICS you'll need to implement the basic stuff like data access
> and painting wether it's a shape or not. What you get from the shape is
> things like scaling and rotation, _and_ the chart will be available for use
> in other KOffice apps.

I think the main idea is to use the Chart shape from KoChart in KPlato instead 
of the current plotting widget. So rotating and scaling is not really 
relevant ;)

So yes you need a small canvas that will only embedd one single Chart shape, 
and you can give data to the shape using the interfaces in 
koffice/interfaces . In fact, you might want to look at the kochart 
application to get an idea of the minimal requirement to draw a shape, and at 
kspread on how to feed the chart with data.

Cyrille Berger

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