[kplato] Charts

Dag Andersen danders at get2net.dk
Mon Apr 28 09:42:08 CEST 2008

Søndag 27 april 2008 19:06 skrev Frédéric Lambert:
> Hi all,
Hi, Frédéric 
> I would like to know if some of you has one or some complete kplato test
> projects that i could load.
I haven't got anything suitable for this, but see below...
> I think the calculation of the current curves is good and i would
> screenshot some complex curves exemples before and after to be sure that i
> didn't change anything except the appearance.
The calculations & values used atm are not quite correct. I've started to look 
into this, but it's not finished yet, so, I think you will have to work with 
test values to start with.
Unfortunatly, I don't think I will be able to work much on kplato during May. 
I have a few hours today, but the rest of the week is booked on other things.
> I've been told by Cyrille from KOffice to implement KoShape from Flake
> instead of the current charts view, is it the right way to do it ?
I haven't used flake at all in kplato (yet) hence my knowledge is limited so 
take my opinions with a a grain (or two) of salt. Also, because of this there 
is *no* infrastructure in kplato to handle shapes. I don't know what is 
needed, though, so maybe that is not a big issue.
AFAIK KoShape can be used as a wrapper around a widget. (Which could be a 
chart.) AFAICS you'll need to implement the basic stuff like data access and 
painting wether it's a shape or not. What you get from the shape is things 
like scaling and rotation, _and_ the chart will be available for use in other 
KOffice apps.

Any koffice developer that can correct/expand on this?

> PS : I saw that the task effort is in "ms" , is it normal ?
I've seen it too. I think it's a default value that should be changed 
> Thanks.
> Frederic Lambert.

Dag Andersen

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