[kplato] MS Project XML Import

Gaël de Chalendar Gael.de-Chalendar at cea.fr
Fri Sep 8 10:19:54 CEST 2006

Le jeudi 7 septembre 2006 13:12, Tom Weichmann a écrit :
> Gnome project offers an import of MS Project XML so I looked for a way to
Interesting. I didn't know. I tried to export a ganttproject file to MS 
Project XML (mspdi) and import it in Planner 0.13 but it did not work. I 
retried with a "one task" project and it worked.

I downloaded the planner source to look at their converter: it's just a xlst 
as I was suggesting. It is GPL so it could be reused to produce a mspdi => 
kplato XML converter. I have no much time currently but if nobody tried that 
in a few weeks, I could give it a try then.


Gael de Chalendar
Centre de Fontenay-aux-Roses
Laboratoire d'Ingénierie de la Connaissance Multimédia Multilingue (LIC2M)
(Multimedia and Multilingual Knowledge Engineering Laboratory)
Bat. 38-2 ; 18, rue du Panorama ; BP 6
92265 Fontenay aux Roses Cedex ; France
Tél.: ; Fax.:
Email : Gael.D.O.T.de-Chalendar.A at T.cea.D.O.T.fr

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