[kplato] the gantt display

fmdp fmdp at free.fr
Wed Sep 6 15:40:55 CEST 2006


just a note about a possible feature request:
In 'modern' projects managements (extreme programming, scrum, agile...), tasks 
are splited into small ones, with high reactivity, always changing plannings, 
and so on. But we also have 'long time' tasks too, often in background.

And 'ressources' are often switching from a task to an other, possibly on a 
different project.

So, I would suggest to introduce part of ressource calendars into the gantt 
(or something else) diagram, in order to well see what appens.
For exemple, I have a task that request 3 days of effort. The second day, I 
switch to a more prioritized task for an other project, and it takes me 2 
So, on the gantt, my task takes 5 days long: 3 working really on it, and 2 
elsewhere. It would be very nice, great, usefull, if the color of the task 
was altered durring the 2 days of task-switch. 
=> the first day in 'dark blue' (the default color)
=> days 2 and 3 in 'light blue' (as those days where spent on something else)
=> days 4 and 5 back in 'dark blue'

this way, we would see very quickly how much effort was requested on a task, 
and its real duration.

it would be usefull for task-switch, holidays, sickness days, ...

perhapse would it be a mix between the calendar and the real gantt diagram...


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