[kplato] MS Project XML Import

Gaël de Chalendar Gael.de-Chalendar at cea.fr
Wed Sep 6 18:14:48 CEST 2006


MS Project XML file format is called MSPDI and seems to be quite well 
It is an open source (NOT FREE !!!) format.

There is at least one Java library (used by GanttProject) which implements it 
and also other MS Project file formats.

During 2005, there was a lot of discussions between open projects to implement 
a common format (OpenOffice, KPlato, etc.). Now, all sites on this subject 
seem to be dead (no recent updates). I hope it is not, as developping a xslt 
to convert ms project to this new format could be the right solution.

Do some of you have other informations ?


Le mercredi 6 septembre 2006 14:44, Thomas Zander a écrit :
> On Wednesday 6 September 2006 13:33, Tom Weichmann wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > Just wondering if there are plans to include the importing of MS
> > Project XML files?
> Hi,
> The infrastructure for this is available and if someone is willing to
> spent the time to write such a converter it can be integrated in the
> project for upcoming releases.
> At this time I do think its not on the radar at all.
> I'm also not aware of the MSProject fileformat being documented. You say
> they are XML? Are you sure? Is there documentation available for the
> fileformat?
> It would surprise me, as thats not really in character of MS :)


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