[kplato] question about integration with karm

fmdp fmdp at free.fr
Sun Sep 10 14:55:48 CEST 2006


I would know if there is yet (or planned) any integration with the KDE PIM, 
and in particular with karm, to update 'automatically' the time really spent 
on a task.

and a request feature around this: it would be nice to have, in the gantt, 
inside the task bar, (like the actual progression in pink, but not on the 
full height), small bars inside that shows WHEN one have worked on the task 
(so, getting infos from the karm's history)
It would facilitate us to see how much effort required each task, with a 
single quick look at the gantt... (task that took 6 days long in the gantt 
may have required only 2 effort days: one at the begining, ant one at the 
end, and 4 non working days in middle...)


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