[kplato] Hello

Kevin Ottens ervin at kde.org
Thu Nov 9 18:34:56 CET 2006

Le Lundi 6 Novembre 2006 14:26, Dag Andersen a écrit :
> Lørdag 04 november 2006 12:55 skrev Nicolas MICAS:
> Could you give me an idea of your criteria for selecting things to do, I
> would be in a better position to propose things that's not on your list.

Actually I'd be interest in seeing those criteria explained too. :-)

> > - Start-to-finish relation.
> Not the most used type of dependency, but nice to have for completeness.
> Prio: 1

I'm wondering about this one. I'm not 100% about the semantic of this 
dependency. Could someone enlighten me?

> > - KDGantt:
> There has been some improvements to KDGantt since these todos where
> written. Note that KDGantt is a little tricky since it's code originates
> from Klaraelvdalens Datakonsult (KD). They develop on their original and
> may (or may not) donate their changes to us. This means that the more
> changes we do on our "copy" the more problems we have when KD's changes
> shall be merged with ours. That said, kplato needs *some* additions to
> work, so we can't totally avoid it. OTOH if we make some useful, good
> quality patches KD might want to incorporate them.

What are your current relationship with KDAB? It would be interesting to have 
feedback from them before hand if we want to push patches. It would be 
unfortunate to prepare patches that wouldn't get integrated upstream.

> > - Icons. Would be nice to have a set with a consistent look.
> Yes, please, artists are in short supply!
> Prio: 5 ( :) )

Just to make it clear, I doubt they have the skills and the time to work on 
this one. Well, maybe one or two of them have the skills, but probably not 
the time.

That said, it would probably be interesting to work on expressing the needs 
(which icons, and what they should display) for our KDE artists. Maybe 
contacting the kde-artists list would be a nice first step. In the worst case 
it would raise awareness that KPlato needs icons, in the best case on of the 
artists would work on it guided by the expressed needs.

It was just my 0.02€ :-)

Have a nice day.
Kévin 'ervin' Ottens, http://ervin.ipsquad.net
"Ni le maître sans disciple, Ni le disciple sans maître,
Ne font reculer l'ignorance."
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