[kplato] problem with multiple working duration per day

Dag Andersen danders at get2net.dk
Thu Jan 5 14:37:53 CET 2006

On Torsdag 05 januar 2006 13:52, fmdp wrote:
> Le Jeudi 5 Janvier 2006 12:26, Dag Andersen a écrit :
> > Tip: To run just kplato you need lib, kugar, kdgantt and
> > servicetypes (I think).
> ok, I'll try, it will be faster...
> > I did for weekdays, use ctrl-LMB.
> > (Also for weeks actually, but I plan to remove weeks altogether
> > as it just complicates things)
> Ok, it works.
> (personal feeling: I find it hard to see as it is not painted fully
> in the calendar. A manager/ressource may find usefull to have each
> day really painted in bleu/red. It would help to see vacations,
> overbooked days, ...)
hmmm, is this the calendar dialog you are talking about? There isn't 
any overbooking info there?
The reason I didn't use full background color on each day is that you 
can define both weekdays and single day and then you couldn't see if 
you had defined a single day (eg. with different workhours).
OTOH I expect the calendar dia to change when we go to KDE4 (in a year 
or so...) as I want to use the localized holidays stuff from kde-pim,
so I haven't put a really serious effort into the calendars (lame 
> > > What is your opinion?
> >
> > I have put off resource leveling till after this release, it's a
> > bit much before jan 12 ;)
> > Possibly if I have time I may make a simple preliminary solution
> > to overbooking, but that's as far as can go for now.
> >
> :)
> I just want to give a 'user' feedback/point of view... I hope my
> suggestions do not stress you, that's not the goal!
> I'm too much busy in my own project to invest into kplato code... I
> limit my participation to ba a user
> But I know that projects often need 'external feedbacks'... I hope
> mine helps...
You are very, very wellcome indeed. Exhaustive testing of my own code 
is the hardest thing, and I'm not an extensive user of PMs so there 
are millions of viable ways to use them that I couldn't even dream 
> By the way, a minor bug: in Standard Work Time, if you put 'hours
> per day' to '0.0', it hard-crashes when you modify a task duration:
Doesn't supprize me, I actually thought of it, but obviously didn't 
test it, thanks.
> fred at joe kplato]$ kplato
> koffice (lib kofficecore): kplatopart.desktop found.
> koffice (lib kofficecore): kplatopart.desktop found.
> koffice (lib kofficecore):
> KoDocument::loadNativeFormat(
> /usr/share/apps/kplato/templates/Simple/.source/Plain.kplatot )
> kplato: Loading took 0.001 seconds
> kplato: [KMacroCommand*
> KPlato::StandardWorktimeDialog::buildCommand(KPlato::Part*)]
> QGDict::hashKeyString: Invalid null key
> kplato: [void
> KPlato::TaskGeneralPanel::setStartValues(KPlato::Task&,
> KPlato::StandardWorktime*)] daylength=0
> kplato: [void
> KPlato::TaskGeneralPanel::setStartValues(KPlato::Task&,
> KPlato::StandardWorktime*)] Effort: 1 00:00:00.0
> KCrash: Application 'kplato' crashing..
> > (PS: You don't have to CC me, I'm on the list :)
> yeap, the traffic is not so heavy to notify you twice! ;)
> Fred
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Dag Andersen

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