[kplato] problem with multiple working duration per day

fmdp fmdp at free.fr
Thu Jan 5 13:52:39 CET 2006

Le Jeudi 5 Janvier 2006 12:26, Dag Andersen a écrit :
> Tip: To run just kplato you need lib, kugar, kdgantt and servicetypes
> (I think).
ok, I'll try, it will be faster...
> I did for weekdays, use ctrl-LMB.
> (Also for weeks actually, but I plan to remove weeks altogether as it
> just complicates things)
Ok, it works.
(personal feeling: I find it hard to see as it is not painted fully in the 
calendar. A manager/ressource may find usefull to have each day really 
painted in bleu/red. It would help to see vacations, overbooked days, ...)

> > What is your opinion?
> I have put off resource leveling till after this release, it's a bit
> much before jan 12 ;)
> Possibly if I have time I may make a simple preliminary solution to
> overbooking, but that's as far as can go for now.
I just want to give a 'user' feedback/point of view... I hope my suggestions 
do not stress you, that's not the goal!
I'm too much busy in my own project to invest into kplato code... I limit my 
participation to ba a user
But I know that projects often need 'external feedbacks'... I hope mine 

By the way, a minor bug: in Standard Work Time, if you put 'hours per day' to 
'0.0', it hard-crashes when you modify a task duration:
fred at joe kplato]$ kplato
koffice (lib kofficecore): kplatopart.desktop found.
koffice (lib kofficecore): kplatopart.desktop found.
koffice (lib kofficecore): 
KoDocument::loadNativeFormat( /usr/share/apps/kplato/templates/Simple/.source/Plain.kplatot )
kplato: Loading took 0.001 seconds
kplato: [KMacroCommand* 
QGDict::hashKeyString: Invalid null key
kplato: [void KPlato::TaskGeneralPanel::setStartValues(KPlato::Task&, 
KPlato::StandardWorktime*)] daylength=0
kplato: [void KPlato::TaskGeneralPanel::setStartValues(KPlato::Task&, 
KPlato::StandardWorktime*)] Effort: 1 00:00:00.0
KCrash: Application 'kplato' crashing..

> (PS: You don't have to CC me, I'm on the list :)
yeap, the traffic is not so heavy to notify you twice! ;)


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