[kplato] problem with multiple working duration per day

fmdp fmdp at free.fr
Thu Jan 5 15:45:13 CET 2006

Le Jeudi 5 Janvier 2006 14:37, Dag Andersen a écrit :
> hmmm, is this the calendar dialog you are talking about? There isn't
> any overbooking info there?
In fact, I was thinking of some code of color related to the amount of work 
for a day: white for 0hour, full-red for 24h/d and a melt between.
A manager may quickly see periods that are too much red, and try to plan 
quiter days after.
In little companies, working time is often flexible, but managers have to keep 
in mind that 'ressources' are not slaves! ;)
So, when I spoke about 'overbooking', it was in fact 'overtiming'...

> The reason I didn't use full background color on each day is that you
> can define both weekdays and single day and then you couldn't see if
> you had defined a single day (eg. with different workhours).
Yeap, I understood that. I was only express my personnal feeling: I prefer to 
see details on a calendar.

> OTOH I expect the calendar dia to change when we go to KDE4 (in a year
> or so...) as I want to use the localized holidays stuff from kde-pim,
> so I haven't put a really serious effort into the calendars (lame
> excuse)
concentrate on the valuable parts of kplato instead of answer my cosmetic 
remarks! ;)
So, you are fully right, and I think an interraction with other kde parts are 
very very important (with karm in particular,  it would be a must!)
Forget my color requests for now... 8-/

I let you work in peace from now... until the next time!
oops, last question: is there any place to be aware of commits?
It would help for testing (detecting problems asap makes correction often 


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