[kplato] problem with multiple working duration per day

Dag Andersen danders at get2net.dk
Thu Jan 5 12:26:16 CET 2006

On Torsdag 05 januar 2006 10:45, fmdp wrote:
> Hi Dag,
> I only updated kplato and it crashes at sometimes.
> so, now, all koffice is updated & compiling and it takes long
> time!!!
Tip: To run just kplato you need lib, kugar, kdgantt and servicetypes 
(I think).
> few answers to your questions, I'll report success/problems on the
> execution when compilation will be finished (in few hours...)
> Le Mercredi 4 Janvier 2006 13:36, Dag Andersen a écrit :
> > Ok, think I fixed it, probably I was interrupted during
> > implementation because the functionality wasn't complete. I
> > simplified the use of the StandardWorktime thing (do you have a
> > better name?). It's only used when entering/showing estimates
> > now. To define working hours you have to use calendars. (The
> > problem with setting calendar for resources is also fixes.)
> As you are in calendars, could you implement something like that:
> - a widget to define working day type (where we can say:
> workingDayType1=8:0-12:0, workingDayType2=8:0-12:0 + 14:0-18:0
> workingDayType3=8:0-12:0+14:0-18:0+20:0-23:0)
> - in calendar, use those user-defined day types instead of
> specifing working plages by hand for each
> - multi-selection in calendar to set more than one day at once
I did for weekdays, use ctrl-LMB.
(Also for weeks actually, but I plan to remove weeks altogether as it 
just complicates things)
> It would be helpfull for those who have partial time working, or
> are working on several project at a time.
> > Fixed. BTW, the duration/effort widget, do you you think it works
> > ok? Shaheed came up with this since we wanted a (simple) way to
> > localize it. It's still kind of prototype, atm it can't handle
> > more than days, it should at least handle weeks imo.
> As a project leader, or even as a 'ressource', what I expect is:
> If I have 2 tasks at the same time for a ressource, the duration
> must take the effort into account:
> taskA and taskB are both planned for ressource1 starting at 1rst
> january and both takes 5 days of effort. So, both duration must be
> 10 days,  as ressource1 will have to spend 2*5days.
> So, taskA will be:
> - starting at 1/01
> - effort 5days
> - duration 10days
> - ressource usage 50%
> But I must admit that this may be hard to implement, as tasks may
> overlap at random times...
> I don't know how other do, but I think it would be very very very
> usefull!!!
> What is your opinion?
I have put off resource leveling till after this release, it's a bit 
much before jan 12 ;)
Possibly if I have time I may make a simple preliminary solution to 
overbooking, but that's as far as can go for now.

(PS: You don't have to CC me, I'm on the list :)
> Fred
> > > Fred
> > >
> > > Le Mercredi 21 Décembre 2005 14:55, Dag Andersen a écrit :
> > > > On Onsdag 21 december 2005 14:17, fmdp wrote:
> > > > > - doesn't handle correctly the task duration when set more
> > > > > than one working plage per day (set 13:0->15:0 and
> > > > > 20:0->23:59)=> all tasks are displayed as '1 day long' in
> > > > > the gantt
> > > >
> > > > I don't know what you expected to see , but it should display
> > > > the task as starting 13:0 and ending 23:59. It doesn't show
> > > > that no work is going on from 15:0 to 20:0.

Dag Andersen

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