[kplato] setting up a calendar

Adam Hardy adam.ant at cyberspaceroad.com
Tue Dec 12 01:37:01 CET 2006

Dag Andersen on 25/11/06 15:34, wrote:
> Fredag 24 november 2006 02:12 skrev Adam Hardy:
> (...)
>> I have 4 working days in my week. Three have working intervals with 2
>> hours. The fourth has a working interval of 3 hours.
>> Now when I enter the effort required on a task, I put in 5 hours, for
>> example. Kplato then recalculates this into 2 days and 1 hour. I guess this
>> is because I have set the Standard Worktime for a day to be 2 hours. Is
>> that true?
>> But that is only roughly correct, because really my average working day is
>> 2.25 hours.
> It uses the "Hour pr day" field (above) for this calculation.
>> I would prefer to keep my task effort estimates as hours, instead of
>> allowing kplato to recalculate them into days. Is there a way of doing
>> this?
> No, not atm. This widget has to be rewritten, though, due to problems with 
> layout and navigation, so maybe in the future (koffice 2.0).

I am curious about this situation where kplato rewrites 'hours effort' in the 
calendar into days where it can, depending on the standard worktime.

Why is there a dependency on standard worktime? Especially in my project, it 
just doesn't make sense because I intend to vary the intervals heavily and don't 
have any concept of standard worktime.

Particularly my attempts to work out what kplato is doing are slightly 
confusing. I added a task for 2 hours. I also have 2 hours entered as the 
standard worktime number of hours per day. The task settings effort estimate 
changed my 2 hours to 1 day.

So to check what happens, I increased the number of hours on the day for that 
task from 2 up to 8, expecting to see the task expand as the day expands, but it 

Does the task setting somehow invisibly remember that I entered 2 hours and not 
1 day?


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